Even if you only have 20-30 minutes to study at the end of the OK you can still turn this into exam success, says CIMA’s Nasheen Wuisman.
He said he used to find it hard after a long day at work to be able to motivate himself to study: “The thought of studying for an hour or two some days felt impossible, especially after so much screen time at work. I decided to plan these study sessions to be short. I broke down the learning so I could complete a short section or just a question at a time. I found that I could give what I was doing my complete attention and it was very effective.”
In the latest PQ magazine, he provides more great advice on how to make online study work for you, see: https://issuu.com/pqpublishing/docs/pq_june23_multi?fr=sNDRkNjM2OTUz.