Students still want hard copies of study manuals!

A petition has been started to reverse the ICAEW’s decision to stop printing hard copies of study manuals.

The petition on said: “ICAEW has changed the exam process for students sitting exams in 2021.There will no longer be the opportunity to receive and study with hard copy versions of the workbook, question bank and permitted texts.

“This will, it is claimed, make an already difficult exam process that much harder, as new students will no longer have the opportunity to have a physical book to reference in both revision sessions and actual exams.

“Please sign the petition to help reversed this decision and allow students the best possible chance of passing the ICAEW ACA.”

When PQ magazine first looked there some 49 people has signed the petition. One signatory said: “We should be encouraging trainee accountants to study more rather than limiting their opportunities for study. I find hard copies invaluable for in-depth study.” Anyone PQ asked: “Please reverse it!”

However, since we first ‘aired’ the story the petition appears to have been taken down!

You could have checked it out at: But it has now disappeared.