AAT says it will ‘not suspended assessments’

AAT students are waiting anxiously to hear how the latest UK lockdown will affect assessment sittings. There seems to be a confused picture out there for sitters at the moment.

AAT have said it has not suspended assessments, but students will be advised to check with their venue to see if they will remain open they have left it up to individual centres to make their own decisions.

On Facebook one PQ booked into Manchester Pitman on 11 January has been told their exam was cancelled. In Falmouth the assessments have also been cancelled until mid-Feb, and in Nottingham Pitman have said they will be closed until 22 February.

Another PQ said Kaplan are staying open for exams, and they were “quite pleased about that”. Kaplan’s statement said: “In line with government guidelines regarding assessments, our Covid-secure centres remain open for CBEs only. All classroom courses will continue to be delivered via Live Online until further notice.”

Osborne Training are also still taking bookings, and Cardiff and Vale College AAT assessments are going ahead as planned.