The December professional level exam results have landed.
Some 7,549 ICAEW students sat in December, with 13,110 exams attempted.
In all 5,595 students passed all the exams they took, and 1,794 students passed the professional level this session.
The pass rate for AA dropped from 78% in September to just 73.4% this time around. The big jump in pass rates came in the FM exam which jumped from 71% last time out to 89.43% this time!
FAR (UK GAAP) had a pass rate of 69.6%, but just 23 students sat this paper in December.
Just over 1,000 sitters took three papers and 73% passed all three, with a further 15% passing two out of three.
The stats also show just under 3,000 PQs sat one paper, and while 73% passed their paper it meant 1,183 (15.7%) failed and came away from the exam with nothing to show.
Audit and Assurance: 73.4%
Business Planning: Banking: 61.3%
Business Planning: Insurance: 80.8%
Business Planning: Taxation: 79.8%
Business Strategy and Technology: 86.4%
Financial Accounting and Reporting (IFRS): 80.0%
Financial Accounting and Reporting (UK GAAP): 69.6%
Financial Management: 89.4%
Tax Compliance: 81.6%