ACCA announces September 2023 pass rates

With a consistent 10% difference in pass rates some people may wonder why any ACCA student sits the APM and AAA optional papers, rather than ATX and AFM!

The September 2023 pass rates for AAA and APM both came in at 34%. However, the AAA pass rate wasn’t bad relatively speaking, you have to go back to December 2020 to find a higher one, at 35%.

The 48% pass rate for ATX is the highest on record, and the AFM pass rate held up well at 45%.

PM had the lowest pass rate at the Applied Skills level, at 40%. Well gone are the days when the paper had a 57% pass rate (that was June 2010). The AA pass rate was a little on the low side too, at 42% this time around, but at least it’s not in the 30% range. In March 2020 the AA pass rate was 36%!

The FR pass rate also slipped slightly to 47%, as did FM to 49%, when compared to the last sitting (June).

Tax pass rate held steady at 54%, and is still the best pass rate for the Applied Skills papers. Apart from last June’s 56%, this is the best TX pass rate since June 2009!

Some 89,719 students entered for the September sitting, which saw 104,389 exams completed. A total of 3,763 students completed their final exams to become ACCA affiliates.

ACCA September 2023 pass rates: LW 84%; TX 54%; FR 47%; PM 40%; FM 49%; AA 42%; SBL 50%; SBR 50%; AAA 34%; APM 34%; AFM 45%; ATX 48%