ACCA December exam feedback – Day Three

Did PM live up to its bad boy reputation? And how about ATX? Here is what ACCA sitters said:

“The exam was really tough,” according to one sitter. Another said: “This exam was awful, definitely resitting in March. Had transfer pricing in section C, which I find extremely difficult!”
Or you could be the student who said: “Hate this exam so much!” So fair to say another tough PM paper then.
The results of the Open Tuition Instant Poll showed 22% thought the exam was a disaster, and 41% found it hard. Just 34% said the exam was OK.

‘Horrific’ is how one sitter describe ATX this time around. Another said it was a “disaster again”.
And, yet another confused sitter simply said: “What the hell was that exam! I didn’t even know what the questions were asking me they were so long worded. 100% failed. Nothing like September’s exam.”
Some students wondered out loud if this exam was designed to fail them!
Some 24% of voters in the Open Tuition Instant Poll opted to call exam a disaster, with anbother34% ticking the hard box. Some 37% of sitters said the December test was OK.