ACCA March exam – day four & five feedback

How were those dreaded audit papers? Well, one good one bad, according to the March sitters! And FM and AFM?


Students found section A harder than expected, and many also struggled with the audit risk question in the AA exam, this March.

Some sitter admit they find it so difficult to even guess how they did: “I wrote loads but no idea if what I wrote way right,” explained one PQ.

Many felt it was a paper of two halves! Section A was the more difficult half and section B was much more what students were expecting.

But generally, students got the exam they were ‘expecting’. The Open Tuition Instant Poll backs this up, with 54% of sitters saying the March sitting was OK. A further 33% said it was hard, but just 6% felt it was a disaster.


The March AAA sitting was described as “meaty and hard” by one sitter. Many PQs found this a very challenging paper. One called it ‘horrendous’.

Students panicked when they saw how much they had to read in Q1. Some PQs said that is why they answered Q3 and Q4 first. As one sitter explained: “Not a nice paper, ended up talking absolute rubbish in Q1 and Q2. ”

The Open Tuition Instant Poll shows this paper was a disaster for 29% of sitters, with another 44% finding it hard. Making it by far the most hated exam to date! Just one percent of sitters said they found the exam easy.


“Such a hard exam, even section A and B were tricky,” said one March sitter. Another thought is was such a hard exam – “difficult ratios with different investments, sharia law financing theory, the divisible project, part B had some tricky questions as well!” One more just called it ‘painful’. For some the problem was the lack of WACC and NPV calculations and no working capital – especially as their tutors had spent so much time on these topics

In the Open Tuition Instant Poll just one in three sitters (33.92%) said the exam was OK. For 43% the March exam was hard and for another 19% it was a disaster.


Not many sitters like the AFM exam this time around, and it was a

‘disastrous’ and ‘horrendous’ sitting for quite a few out there.

Several PQs said they were seriously thinking of giving up on ACCA!

Some sitters admitted they simply ran out of time, so didn’t get to attempt the calculations in part C. Others resitting the exam felt it was nothing they hadn’t seen before, but that didn’t make it any easier!

The Open Tuition Instant Poll saw 28% saying the exam was a disaster and a further 42% thought it was hard. Only 28% said it was OK.