Barnsley CIMA student reprimanded

CIMA’s investigation committee has found a prima facie case of misconduct against Brett Baker after he failed to declare a conviction within 30 days, as required by regulation 19.

In 2019 Baker received a conviction for destruction/damage to property and assault resulting in actual bodily harm. He had previously been convicted of possession of an offensive weapon in a public place, all convictions relating to the same incident.

Baker was sentenced to 15 months imprisonment, suspended for 18 months, 20 days of rehabilitation activity, and 100 hours of unpaid work.

It was alleged that Baker’s failure to declare his convictions was “breach of the laws of the Institute”. The committee also felt his behaviour breach the fundamental principle of Professional Behaviour under the Code of Ethics.

It was concluded that his conduct fell short of the standards required for a professional accountant. Baker accepted a Consent Order, which included a reprimand and a contribution of £456 towards CIMA’s costs of the proceedings.