PQ podcast of the month: The account

The account – a series of podcasts from Professor Richard Murphy.

Bogus numbers – the latest in the series is all about how we sort out the UK economy to fund a fair future: https://richardmurphy7.podbean.com/.

It is increasingly hard to determine what the truth in accounts and economic data might be. Finance directors do not recognise their own, supposedly true and fair, financial reports as representing the companies that they manage. The Office for National Statistics is putting out figures for the national debt that are 12.7% overstated and figures for GDP that are 10% overstated. It really is time that we stopped trying to manage the economy on the basis of bogus data.

Other podcasts include ‘What is money?’, ‘The role of tax’, and ‘Money Worries’.

See: https://richardmurphy7.podbean.com/e/bogus-numbers/