Sign of the times

In a UK-first the AAT sponsored British Sign Language interpretation at Accountex.

The interpreters are part of a new collaboration between the qualifications and skills provider and event organisers that sees AAT named Accountex’s first-ever ‘Accessibility Partner’.

AAT’s chief executive, Sarah Beale, said she was delighted with the partnership because it was an opportunity for the charity to put its values of openness, inclusion, and accessibility into practical action – making sure AAT and the accounting profession is relevant to all.

“This new partnership with Accountex brings the first of what I hope will be many more important accessibility measures to come, all with the aim of opening up this incredible, world-class event to our whole professional community in all its wonderful diversity,” said Beale.

Accountex also takes place in Manchester. AAT’s new partnership will cover both events, for both this year and 2025, ensuring BSL interpreters and other accessibility measures are taken.