ICAEW Advanced Level November 2020 exam results…

ICAEW November 2020 advanced level results are out there! They show the case study had a pass rate of 77.6%, Those sitting the Corporate Reporting paper achieved an 80.2% pass rate, and last but not least was Strategic Business Management with a pass rate of 88.2%.

Those just sitting the Corporate Reporting paper on its own seemed to struggle the most at the November sitting. Out of the 423 sitters some 255 passed (60.3%) and 39% (168) failed.

Students who sat all three papers had a better pass rate than those sitting just ALCR. Some 75.1% of the 433 sitters passed all three. Another 17% passed two out of three, and s further 6% passed at least one. That left just 7 PQs who failed all three.

A total of 3,970 students sat the November 2020 session. Some 5,902 exams were attempted in total with 3,101 students passing all the exams they took. The stats unfortunately also show 669 PQs failed all the exams they took.


                                                               All candidates                 First attempt

Case Study                                                  77.6%                              80.5%

Corporate Reporting                                 80.2%                              86.0%

Strategic Business Management             88.2%                              91.7%