What did sitters think of the performance management papers – not a lot it seems!

PM: The June sitting was deemed ‘incredibly hard’ and even ‘vile’. As one sitter said: “The exam was awful, I just stared at some questions and thought WTF!” Another said: “PM today was so hard – hardest exam I’ve ever had.”

A common theme of complaint is the fact that the actual exams are nothing remotely like the specimen or mocks. Some students have started to question the need to do mocks at all if they don’t relate to what they see in the exam room.

We also heard of more IT system problems too: “My system broke down and I cried my eyes out.”

While PQs still seemed surprised that there is more than one exam paper, the ones who got the linear programming question admitted they found it a challenge.

APM: A third of those taking part in the Open Tuition Instant Poll found the June sitting hard, with another 18% calling it a disaster.

Overall, a nice paper, ventured one sitter, but they went on to admit they struggled with the balance scorecard question. The exam had too much info to digest,” said a PQ. Another revealed they had spent two hours on the ABM question, and yet another did even attempt Q2 sadly.

Another complained that the ACCA spreadsheet just isn’t as easy to use as excel.