While the other accountancy bodies go’ hell and leather’ to introduce remote exam on computer, there is one group of PQs where having enough black ink and white A4 paper is still the key – the ICAS TPS final exam and mock candidates.
These June sitters must write their exams on blank, white A4 paper, which is supplied by ICAS. Meanwhile, the use of laptops and other devices are not permitted under any circumstances, other than to view the exam paper.
At the end of the exam students then have to photograph each page and upload them onto Turnitin, a cloud-based software system. PQs can use a scanner if they have one, but they need to send their pages as one PDF.
No dispensation will be given for a candidate who does not have or runs out of white A4 paper!
ICAS TPE exams are all sat at a laptop. The institute has also announced that the four-sitting rule for TC, TPS and TPE exams has been ‘temporarily amended’ for students during the pandemic.