May 2020

AAT has released its annual pass rates for the year ending 31 December 2019. So what do they look like?
The latest AAT pass rates are out and they are looking much better – in most cases. The IBLW Foundation paper jumped 4% on the annual pass rate six months ago, to 58%, and AVBK was up to 67.4%.
At the Professional level, pass rates for BSTX (74.9%), ETAU (63.1%) and FSLC (59.4%) all saw healthy rises in the pass rates on those published in June last year.
One paper that hasn’t seen a rise is the Advanced Diploma Synoptic Assessment, which slipped to 57.8% this time. It was 61.6% last time around The pass rate for PLTX also slipped back to 62.9%.
The assessment with the lowest pass rate remains MDCL. There was a slight rise to 53.9%, but this exam remains the one to pass!
Overall, pass rates are looking better in general too, with the Professional CBA pass rate now standing at 62.8%, and Advanced level at 72.9%.