AAT update on assessments and online resources

AAT assessments have been suspended since 22 March 2020. However, AAT said all marking, result releases and certification for assessments taken prior to this date are being completed to its published timescales.

AAT explained that as soon as the current government restrictions are lifted it intends to make all its assessment s available as soon as possible. With the exception of two synoptic assessments (level 3 & Level 4), all the assessments are available on-demand.

Once the current restrictions on educational institutions are lifted, AAT will review the synoptic windows and inform training providers of any changes and additional windows.

PQ magazine understand that AAT is looking at proctored or remote invigilation for exams moving forward, but it is very early days here.

AAT is also offering more online resources to support students. There is a new Covid-19 hub and additional categories have been opened on AAT Knowledge Hub.

Finally, AAT stressed there are currently no changes to the development and launch of AQ2021, its new accounting qualification set to replace AQ2016 next year.