Finance professionals can’t leave cyber risks to the IT department, says a new joint report ‘Cyber and the CFO’.
The survey, undertaken by the ACCA and Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand, found that cyber security is not being managed as a risk to business, and too often is left to IT specialists to handle.
Worryingly, a third of respondents did not know whether their organisation had been the subect of a cyber attack.
More than 20% of finance professionals admitted they had no involvement whatsoever in cyber security within their company. ANd some 10% of respondents did not know who in the business was responsible for the day-to-day running of cyber security!
ACCA’s Clive Webb said: “The finance community cannot stand by and leave cyber security to others in the business to manage. It is very complex, but it is essential for finance leaders to familiarise themselves with the issue.”