CIMA has released the latest batch of pass rates. Among the good news stories is the jump to 60% for the February Operational Case Study. This pass rate is well above the last three sittings – 53%, 47% and 57% respectively.
Meanwhile, the Management Case Study pass rate was a healthy 71%, and the Strategic pass rate for February 2021 came in at 67%.
When it comes to the OTs it is the P papers which still seem to be the ones that present the hardest hurdle. Between May 2020 until the end of April 2021 some 52% of sitters passed the P2 paper, 53% P3 and 54% P3. By contrast the pass rates for the E1, E2 and E3 papers were 79%, 90% and 74%.
Stephen Flatman, Vice President, Examinations – Management Accounting, told PQ magazine:“We’re delighted with the results that our students are achieving in the CIMA exams – it’s great to see all of their efforts come to fruition.
“Our students have shown great determination to keep their careers moving, steadily growing the pool of management accountants able to help organisations navigate uncertain and complex times. They have a great and invaluable skillset to offer businesses, and will play an essential role in supporting their organisations as they prepare for the post-COVID world.
“We look forward to seeing what else our students are going to accomplish this year. We will, of course, be there to support them along the way and help them achieve their career goals.”
CIMA total OT exams passed: E1 79%; E2 90%; E3 74%; F1 79%; F2 60%; F3 57%; P1 54%; P2 52%; P3 53%
CIMA Case Study February 2021 pass rates: Operational 60%; Management 71%; Strategic 67%